The continuum from preventative to rehabilitative care

Reflecting on a weekend of teaching I noticed a common theme as I transitioned from participating at the UCSF sports medicine conference to teaching an advanced track seminar at the NATA annual conference. This theme is something I've been brought back to over and over again, the continuum and transition between preventative and rehabilitative care. 

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Concussion in snowboarding and skiing

With a passion snowboarding I've written a blog on concussion management for snow sports which can be applied to recreational skiers and athletes. The blog also looks a new helmet inserts made by 'Unequal' which help to dissipate and decelerate the forces which result in concussion and more serious head injuries. The key is to recognise all the signs of concussion early, as loss of consciousness doesn't always occur, and each concussion should be treated seriously and by a medical team. 

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