Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries - Management

Syndesmosis strains are becoming more frequently diagnosed in sports such as soccer and football. Successful recovery is largely impacted by early detection and assessment of the severity of injury. This blog looks at current research and management ideas for ankle syndesmosis injuries.

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Gluteal tendinopathy

As the term lateral hip pain has evolved from greater trochanteric pain syndrome and trochanteric bursitis, to gluteal tendinopathy, we too have seen a growing amount of clinic trials published sharing what is known about this condition and evaluating the effectiveness of our current treatment methods. 

I was thrilled to see a paper recently released in the BMJ by a powerhouse group of researchers on the effectiveness of three different treatment approaches for this condition. Mellor, Bennell, Grimaldi et al (2018) conducted the first RCT to evaluate the effect of: education about tendon loading & exercises specific to stage of tendon pathology, versus a single CSI, versus a wait and see approach, on pain and functional outcomes with gluteal tendinopathy.

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Calving it up

The first aim for this blog was to highlight how we can break down the components of a dynamic balance test such as the SEBT, or understand the requirements for normal gait and stair navigation. The second is to emphasise the importance of making sure that our early stages of rehabilitation allow for sufficient time to help our patients develop the range of movement, muscle length and neuromuscular control to allow them to be successful when integrating these components together. I recognise that these exercises aren't radically new or fancy, heck they can be just down right boring, but when done right and combined with the education as to why, they can be hugely impactful

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The Tetris effect

This case presentation describes two areas of treating elbows that look beyond traditionally used exercises and manual therapy. The first is the freedom of combined active movements and the second is what I call the Tetris effect. Both of these components were pivotal in this patient's recovery from acute lateral epicondylalgia.

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Outside the Orthopaedic Protocol

This week we welcome Physical Therapist, Michael McGowan (DPT) to share with Rayner and Smale a unique case study about a complex combination of orthopaedics and oncology. Michael shares his experience managing a patient who following diagnosis of an osteosarcoma, was managed with a 3-part total knee replacement, fibular ORIF and radical resection of the distal femur. A complex orthopaedic procedure indeed, but the most challenging aspect to manage was cancer-related fatigue

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Hip: Post Hip Arthroscopy Rehab Phase 3 & 4

For the second part of this blog we look further at the progression of rehab into phase III and IV and eventually ending in return to sport and unrestricted play. What I've taken away from these blogs is how extensive our involvement with patients needs to be to get them through each phase and I hope you'll appreciate this too. 

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