Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - clinical assessment

Recently I listed to a fantastic podcast by Jo Gibson through Clinical Edge on Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and was thrilled to learn some advances which have taken place in our knowledge of this condition since I first published a blog on the topic in 2013. Seven years later and I am excited to share a revised piece that includes the latest ideas around clinical assessment, and in particular sensory testing in the differential diagnosis of this challenging condition.

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Neurodynamic treatments for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

This is the first blog exploring treatment approaches for Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. I have found them to have the greatest impact on patient improvement in the clinical setting and to have more support in the current body of literature. The first blog covers a neurodynamic approach to addressed pathophysiology and pathomechanics of the neural structures. The second blog will cover scapular retraining for Neurogenic TOS. 

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is a cluster of neurological and pain symptoms in the upper limb caused by compression of the brachial plexus and surrounding vascular structures as they pass through the thoracic outlet. This blog outlines the common causes, clinical presentation, assessment procedures in the differential diagnosis of this syndrome. 

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