Hip: Ligamentum Teres

This week we discuss another hot hip topic in the sporting world - ligamentum teres and it's role in hip pain. Alicia discusses the clinical anatomy of ligamentum teres, evidence supporting it's structure and function and the role it plays in hip pain. 

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Hip: Illuminating Iliopsoas

This blog explores the clinical anatomy of the anterior hip, manual therapy tips for releasing iliopsoas and stretches/mobility exercises for treatment of anterior hip tightness and pain. 

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Can the risk of Vertebral Artery Dissection be determined with pre-manipulative screening?

Cervical manipulation has inherent risks. One of the the most dangerous adverse effects following cervical manipulation is vertebral artery dissection (VAD). For the past two decades, functional pre-manipulative screening tests have been used by Physiotherapists to identify patients at risk of vertebral artery insufficiency (VBI). Many experts in the field of VAD and cervical manipulation have started to question the clinical validity of these tests and currently there is great uncertainty if the tests themselves are potentially dangerous enough to cause VAD. 

This blog aims to review the risk of cervical manipulation, the clinical presentation of VBI and the current assessment recommended by the Australian Physiotherapy Association. I'm also pleased to include the thoughts and recommendations of Dr. Mark Percy, Specialist Radiologist from MIA Lilydale, Victoria. 

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Interpretation of special tests in musculoskeletal examination

Why do we care about evidence-based practice? Why do we need to know how to interpret clinical studies? Because statistical values such as sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios are vital to interpreting the clinical relevance and applicability of research around clinical tests. 

"Of course, very few tests can be expected to conclusively rule in or rule out any particular condition but they should add to the index of suspicion which will inform your clinical reasoning process." (Hattam & Smeatham, 2010, p.5). 

The aim of this blog is to review the meanings of these psychometric properties to allow you to become a great consumer of research and know when and how to take new research and allow it to clarify, amplify and expand on your current body of knowledge. 

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San Francisco slopes & stairs slaughter my soleus

How often do you assess the function of the calf muscle in lower limb injuries and what strategies to you give your clients for home-based exercises? Inspired by my own experience from the past 3 months in San Francisco, walking over 10km a day, this blog explores the clinical anatomy and functional significance of the calf muscles.

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